Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's fall!

"I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house.
So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air."
- Nathaniel Hawthorne

Yesterday was the first day that it truly felt like fall. It was overcast, 75 degrees, and windy. Now, I know for those of you in cooler climates, 75 degrees doesn't sound that cool, but for us in the Sonoran Desert, it's a much desired relief from the heat of the summer. I even had to wear a long-sleeved shirt yesterday!

Trying to take full advantage of this weather, I spent the morning with N at our favorite coffee shop, Raging Sage, and then did some yard work. I love love love being outside in the yard. The Mexican Sage (Salvia leucantha) are blooming right now and they are so beautiful. Purple and soft like velvet. I wish my Autumn Sage (Salvia greggii) would bloom though. After all, it is Autumn!

Here are two pictures of the Mexican Sage to feast your eyes on:

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