Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sharing a song with the Mockingbird

I've been missing in action for a few days now. It's gotten even more busy around here. That's a good thing as long as I can stay sane.

I started a graduate assistant position for a landscape planning class last week, which will help me greatly with my finances for the semester. It's a wonderful deal, but at first I was a bit stressed knowing that I also have to finish my thesis.

I've also just opened my very own Etsy shop, which I am very excited about. It's taking some time to get it all set up, and so far I only have a few things listed. But, I plan on listing more things like some artwork whenever I can squeeze in some time.
A few weeks ago I planted a tiny garden, and the seeds are starting to sprout with our beautiful sunny days we have been lucky to have.

Peas Pleeeaaase...

My garden will be nothing like Maya's Farm in Phoenix where I went last weekend with my mom and N. Maya's is part of the Farm at South Mountain, where we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to eat breakfast at the Morning Glory Cafe. If you live in Phoenix and haven't been, or make a trip there, all three of their restaurants are incredible. They use fresh, local ingredients, many of which are grown on the farm. It's such a beautiful setting and after breakfast you can roam around the gardens and savor the sun.
My dream garden is Maya's Farm...

Today has been a nice day. I spent some time cleaning house and getting rid of things I don't use anymore.

And there is a little mockingbird that lives in my yard who has been singing to me all day. His tune is so sweet to listen to, and he knows about every melody in the book.


  1. Mmm...we love, love LOVE the Farm at SoMo as well. The Belgian waffles...the breakfast burrito...mmmm...

  2. Congratulations on the Etsy shop!

  3. Laurel- yum yum!

    Rachel- Thank you! And thank you for your help!
