Wednesday, January 14, 2009

i.f. contained

Scientists believe that more than 5 million square miles of the Pacific Ocean is now a form of plastic soup, in which plastic has accumulated to span almost from China to California. As the plastic in ocean ages, it breaks down into smaller and smaller particles but never disappears. Roughly 6 times more plastic than plankton can be found in areas of our oceans, where seabirds and other animals that feed on plankton cannot distinguish the difference. Then, plastic enters the food chain or fills up the stomachs of these birds until they starve to death.

This week's Illustration Friday word "contained" reminded me of plastic because it is one of the most common materials we use to contain things, from water to vegetables to, well, just about anything.

But does our reliance on this versatile material come at a larger price? And if so, how can we save ourselves from plastic when it touches everything in our lives?


  1. the illustration is hilarious. very well done...and the information shared is much appreciated.

    it is unfortunate that our footprints are so large that they've renamed this era, anthropocene. our planet is doomed if we don't wise up to the old ways, and treat her with respect.

  2. The character and the draw are really funny and expressive. Well done!

  3. I love your illustration - very topical too.

  4. Thanks so much everyone! I've really enjoyed seeing all the great work out there, including yours!

  5. Ack! I just linked to a couple articles about the plastic soup in the ocean... what a great picture. So expressive.

    I should probably write a separate post about plastics sometime. Maybe we can spotlight your illustration at SS when I do???

    Also, got your very cute card. I do hope you enjoy the cookbook! It was the first Indian volume I ever got. I like the Mung bean dal with spinach. YUM!

  6. Laurel- Thanks and Thanks! As I am pretty sure none of us like eating plastic soup for dinner, a post on the problems with plastic at Simple Spoonful would be a great idea. And I would be honored to have my drawing on your site!

    We are very excited about the cookbook. Thank you for sharing your first ever Indian cookbook with us, we feel special.
