Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Day of Abundace

Jess, the blogger of abundance, at Pecannoot just posted a link to this project that Jo Dunning started. Today, April 15th, is the day the Abundance Breakthrough Project goes into full swing. In honor of this day, I am going to post a give-away here in a few minutes (something I've been wanting to do for a while). I also plan on trying to reflect today on abundance, epecially abundance of time, which is something I struggle with lately. If you would like to join in the project, here are a few suggestions from Jo's site about what you can do. You may also want to jump over to her site and sign up.

1. On April 15, 2009, around noon in your local time zone, pause for a moment and imagine your life filled with spectacular, joyful Abundance. Feel how joyful and exciting life is with so much Abundance to share and enjoy.

2. Imagine what you would like to have more abundantly in your life, then give a little of that away to someone else. Give it freely, knowing there is more than enough to go around and it is easy to get as much as you want.

3. Go to a favorite non profit website and make a donation to their cause. Feel the Abundance of having enough to give some away.

4. Take a few cans of food to your local food bank and feel grateful for the Abundance of food you have in your life.

5. Go through your clothes closet and other possessions and give the extras to a local shelter. It is a great feeling to have so much that you have extra to share.

6. Smile at a stranger or assist someone, even in a very small way, like holding a door open for them, or letting them into the lane of traffic. Notice how good you feel offering even a small act of kindness.

7. Be aware of the many ways in your life you are already abundant and feel grateful.

8. Celebrate your Abundance as it arrives in both large and small amounts. Every act of appreciation creates even more joyful Abundance for you.

9. Learn more about The Five Laws of Abundance posted on this website under the Gold Coin button.

10. Know you are deeply loved and take the chance to believe all of this is truly possible.

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