Saturday, March 7, 2009

Green Eggs and No Ham

I went to the farmer's market yesterday and I just had to share with you my wonderful find...beautiful eggs! The amazing part is that some of them are a subtle mint green gorgeous. It's been a small dream of mine to one day have chickens, so I must find out what type of hen laid these beauties.


  1. Hi Kim!

    I love the soft focus of this beautiful photograph. Really happy to have found your blog and connected with you on Etsy! It's inspiring to see all that you do.

  2. I love those green eggs!! And thanks for the comment on my recent post, as well as the link to peannoot blog. You were right, another blog for me to follow!

  3. Kim, the chickens that lay those marvelous green and blue eggs are Araucanas/Americanas chickens...and they are beautiful, too! At least the ones I've met are.

    If you Google that name, you can find some pictures of the chickens and chicks. They are gorgeous eggs and birds.

  4. aimee - thank you so much...that coming from you means a lot...your work is incredibly inspiring.

    jamie- great! i hope you loved it as much as i do.

    zephyr - thanks for the tip. They are gorgeous birds...time for my next post :)

  5. What a stunning photograph~ My hubby is a bit of a photography buff, and apparently your lighting and depth of field is absolutely perfect.
    I on the other hand had no idea about those technical things - I just thought it made me feel soft & lovely inside when i looked at it.

  6. Chrissy - Wow! Thank you. That is a huge compliment especially since I took it with my dinky Coolpix. It is a good little camera for only being 2.5 megapixels though! Glad it made you feel soft and lovely...that's what I was going for :)
